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September Safety: Why Protecting Your Head is Important

By Kelsey Whistle

Hard hats over the years have gone through significant development to aid in protecting the heads of workers.

They have been protecting worker heads for many years. Wearing a hard hat at work properly fitted and adjusted is important to ensure it can provide proper protection.

Slip, trip, and fall accidents are common injuries in many industries, and hard hats worn properly can aid in protecting the head during such incidents.

September Safety: Why Protecting Your Head is Important

At home, the use of proper head protection is important too. Wearing properly fitted head protection for activities like bicycle or motorcycle riding, rock climbing, and off-roading for example helps keep our heads safe while enjoying these and other activities. Remember that keeping your head safe from impacts is important. Wearing the proper fitted and adjusted head gear for the activity at home or work will help ensure that a head injury is less likely. 

Remember to “Protect Your Head”

September Safety: Why Protecting Your Head is Important

Driver Training Update: Our In-House Driver Trainers (Competent Persons) are completing their training so they can qualify our drivers to drive their company vehicles safely and professionally. The Regional Safety Advisors are working on scheduling training courses in their region to train competent individuals for each location.  

The right thing to do is to focus on keeping ourselves and our teammates safe and lowering our risk tolerance. It benefits everyone, makes our organization a safer workplace, and increases our profitability.  

The EHS & Risk Team stands ready to be the resource to guide everyone on this journey. 


I’m Kelsey Whistle for National OnDemand, and let’s be safe out there.  

September Safety: Why Protecting Your Head is Important