September Photo of the Month
Congrats to Kraig Jarrell, who just won $50 for sending in this work photo from the dropbox link listed below. Next month, this could be you!

What are we looking for? We need you to send in photos of your work: in the office, in the field, before & afters, pics of you and your co-workers, etc. New ways to share your photos are listed below.
Keep posting photos so you have a shot to win the October contest.
Enter using DropBox via uploading photos:
As you may have seen in previous e-newsletters, Viva Engage is another way to enter the photo contest.
All photos shared in our Viva Engage community are automatically entered into the contest, and it’s a great way to get feedback from your peers!
Login to Viva Engage to Upload Photos in 2023
If you have a email address, you can login to Viva Engage with your Office 365 credentials.
If you have a email address, you should have received an invitation to Viva Engage in your inbox last year, but if you have trouble logging in, let us know at