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Culture Corner: 6 Steps to Living Outside Your Comfort Zone

At Lead to Inspire, our passion comes from pushing individuals out of their comfort zone and watching them grow and develop in ways they didn’t believe possible.

That can be a scary process because sometimes you fail. However, the best part of stepping out of your comfort zone is often – you succeed!

We recently wrapped up a 5-week Leadership Development course. Members of the class told us they are having conversations and doing things they were afraid to do just 5 short weeks ago.

These individuals came to this training prepared to enhance the skills they already had and to learn new skills. Throughout the course, they gained the confidence they needed to push outside changes are leading this group of individuals to greater things and greater fulfillment in their personal and professional lives!

Culture Corner: 6 Steps to Living Outside Your Comfort Zone

If you want to live Outside your Comfort Zone, follow these 6 steps Lead to Inspire recommends:

Step 1 – Make a List of BHAGS – Big Hairy Audacious Goals. Think BIG. What do you really want to achieve? What would you dream to do, if you knew you would not fail?

Step 2 – Next identify your top priorities – Make a step-by-step plan of how you will reach your goal or goals.

Step 3 – ACT – TAKE THE FIRST STEP! Step up and take INITIATIVE. Make things happen for you instead of waiting for things to happen to you. Take CONTROL. You must WANT IT!

Step 4 – You have heard it before, PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT. To improve upon a skill, you have to practice it over and over until you get it right.

Step 5 – Know it will get TOUGH. There will be days when you want to quit. DON’T! Stay the course, do not give up. Keep believing that new doors will open for you. Your hard work will pay off.

Step 6 – Stay POSITIVE. Having confidence in yourself is EVERYTHING. Consider the mantra, “Believe and Achieve!” If you do not believe you can achieve this, no one else will.

Culture Corner: 6 Steps to Living Outside Your Comfort Zone

Now it is up to you, do you want to make this change?

As we prepare to close out 2023 and start the new year, you need to challenge your by asking, am I willing to get uncomfortable to do BIGGER things in my life? Am I ready to LIVE INSPIRED?

If you said YES, then take ACTION, get started and take the first step outside your comfort zone.

From our homes to yours, we wish you all the BEST in the coming year and can’t wait to hear about your achievements!

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Culture Corner: 6 Steps to Living Outside Your Comfort Zone